5 basic and simple way to find a lier - Life is beautiful with bliss

5 basic and simple way to find a lier - life is beautiful with bliss:

-Sripriya girikrishnan


Liars the most commonly available people. Ha ha true, right? But many of us fails to find who are lying because manipulative nature is born with them. Do you know when a person starts lying? I am sure you will amused when i tell you the answer, can you guess, yeah at our 6 th month from born, Did you ever noticed this? sometimes baby will fake a cry just to grab moms attention. So we all masters at the art of lying from our childhood isn't, yes.
Scientists say when two people meet at first time and knowing each other by introducing themselves, there is a possibility of minimum 3 false statements they are sharing about themselves unconsciously (sometimes consciously too).
So here, do you wants to predict who is telling true story about them to you, who is true with you, you don't want to deal a lier in your personal life.
Here is the right place you are in.
 Let's see 5 very basic thing to know that someone is lying to you.

1. Staring into your eyes :


You may hear that if a person is avoiding eye contact during a conversation, there is probability that he is lying. But it was a technique in ancient days because people lie only in unavoidable situation in our grandparents or even in our parents century. They feel guilt about their lie so they don't have courage to look in to your eyes. But in current scenario people don't even accept that there are lying they believe that they are just hiding the truth. How funny?
So if a person continuously staring in to eyes during a conversation, definitely he is lying on that conversation. By staring into your eyes he /she is unconsciously trying to read your mind weather are you believing or not.

2. He will boomerang :


For example, if you ask a person,
Hey did you took my project file which I kept here? If you got a reply no I didn't, yeah he is telling exactly what he does.
Instead when you ask this question to a person who intentionally took or hide your file in your presentation time, he will boomerang with a new question instead of answers your question like why should I? What is the purpose for me to take your file? Or are you doubting me?
Instead of simply answering yes or no.

3.Paragraphing :


Imagine that you are a boss and you have a team.
If one of your team member reached office late.
So if he comes and ask for excuse for it in simple way like, there I stuck in traffic so I didn't reach office at time. He is probably telling the truth.
In other hand if he is asking  excuse with a fully narrated or mapped story with out missing even a minute of a moment and paragraphing the full story, for sure he is lying.

4.Faking a smile:


If you questions a person, instead of answering, if he laugh at you or making fun of you is the definite sign of faking. They are doing this to avoid  further questions from you by making you uncomfortable.

5.Sympathy bags:


When a person is creating sympathy when you ask direct question. There is a probability that this person is lying, in this case they are trying to manipulate you..


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